“…[33], [34], [35], [36], [37] [35], [36], [37] Graphsearch based [49], [38] State lattices based discretization combined with splines for the paths set generation for fast real-time planning in semi-structured environments; A* graph-search combined with RRT for the navigation of an AV through an unmapped road scenario [38] [38] [38] [49], [38] Samplingbased [35], [48], [39], [16] Evidential occupancy grid for modeling the environment and allowing to represent the uncertainty, combined with clothoid tentacles; navigation through clothoid tentacles selection with a high-level maneuver planner for the obstacle avoidance application; occupancy grid discretization with optimization based path generation; sampling-based motion planner with tactical maneuver discovery reasoning [39], [16] [35] [35], [48] [35], [48], [39], [16] Optimizationbased [40], [41], [50], [42] Path and speed profile generation by iterative optimization, combining dynamic programming with quadratic splines; convex optimization for optimal speed profile generation for static and dynamic environments; speed profile generation based on optimal control; MPC-based simultaneous path and speed planning for obstacle avoidance scenarios [40], [41], [42] [42]…”