The continued use of high-voltage thyristor devices in industry and their increased use in high-voltage dc transmission systems call for more attention to the properties of these devices. One of the important thyristor parameters is their turn-off time tq, which can be a limiting factor when applying thyristors at elevated switching frequencies. Hence, the accurate measurement of tq and its variation versus the operating conditions remains a crucial task for thyristor converters operating at elevated switching frequencies. In this paper, a proper test circuit for measuring this parameter with a high level of accuracy has been designed and built. Owing to the test circuit specificity, the variation effects of several electrical and physical constraints, such as the forward current, I F , the reverse applied voltage, VR, the operating temperature, T o , and the ramp rate of the forward reapplied voltage, dV D /dt, on the t q parameter of Thyristors are also studied and analyzed based on the physics of semiconductor devices and associated simulations.