“…In unselected hospital populations, the sensitivity (0 -100%) and specificity (81-98%) of CDT, the sensitivity (41-73%) and specificity (63-85%) of GGT, and the sensitivity (27-54%) and specificity (85-91%) of MCV vary widely (Neumann and Spies, 2003). In patients with upper digestive tract cancer, the prevalence of severe AUDs was high, patients were usually older (mid-50s), and patients usually drank in a more continuous manner (Spies et al, 1995(Spies et al, , 1996a. In these patients, reported sensitivities of CDT were 74 -84%, and specificities were 84 -97% (Neumann and Spies, 2003;Spies et al, 1996aSpies et al, , 1998.…”