“…Many researchers highlighted this affective domain for development of character education programs (Yeager et al, 2014;Anam et al, 2019). For example, selfregulation skills differ among gifted students (Tortop, 2015), self-improvement depends on regulation (Odinokaya et al, 2019), become an independent learner (Sholeh, 2019), SRL skills impact learning interest (Kizilcec et al, 2017), and the application of various teaching methodologies in SRL (Siddiqui & Malik, 2019), improve reasoning for students (Roslan et al, 2014), develop better understanding (Suardi & Hamid, 2013), emphasis on skills (Greene et al, 2015), strategic activities play an important role in learning (Isohätälä et al, 2017), helping them to think critically (Ratminingsih et al, 2017), improve metacognition and cognitive abilities (Pantiwati, 2017), shifting from the task understanding stage to monitoring activities (Järvelä et al, 2016). From that point on, character education training programs have formed attributes to develop graduates.…”