-In this paper an approach to the synthesis of macronnomers is described which permits to convert into reactive polymerisable species a wide circle of physiologically active substances without noticeable change of their activity. This approach which we developed and studied since 1975 at Moscow University gave us a chance to create a whole new range of macromonomers which were found to be capable of linear, three--dimensional and graft polymerisation. Products of these reactions are soluble physiologically active substances, hydrogels with immobilized physiologically active species, sorbents for biospecific chromatography, coatings which increase blood compatibility of polymeric prosthetic devices, etc.Few years ago, mainly due to efforts of chemists studying ionic polymerisation processes, a new branch of monomer chemistry arose, namely, chemistry of macromonomers, i.e., organic species of rather high molecular mass (5000-10000) having the reactive group (double bond or cycle) at the end of the molecule. Most interesting results were obtained by E. Goethals in Belgium and J. Kennedy in USA (1,2). Polymerisation of such monomers results in graft copolymers and other types of block sequences in macromolecular chains.This new branch of "big" monomers is very attractive, in particular, by giving a chance to study the reactivity of the double bond (or cycle) which are under the influence of conformational rearrangements of the macromolecule itself.First publications on the synthesis of physiologically active macromonomers in the middle of the 70-ies were related with immobilization of enzymes in polymeric hydrogels. The driving force for this research was the fact that, in the majority of methods, to carry out this process based on the interaction of physiologically active species (FAS) with a pizeactivated polymer matrix, there was no big chance to maintain the biological activity of immobilized FAS. The reason for that, as shown in Ref. 3, is the necessity to adapt FAS macromolecules to the structure of the polymer matrix which needed essential conformational changes of FAS. However, another approach could be developed when the polymer matrix is itself adopted to the macromolecules of FAS. This becomes possible if the formation of the matrix is carried out, for instance, simultaneously with the immobilization of FAS, i.e., the copolymerisation of an unsaturated derivative of FAS with corresponding monomers takes place:1351