TURNER, J. C. 1984. Diurnal periodicity of plasma cortisol and corticosterone in desert bighorn sheep demonstrated by radioimmunoassay . Can. J. Zool. 62: [2659][2660][2661][2662][2663][2664][2665]. A sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) for cortisol and corticosterone was validated for desert bighorn sheep (Ovis c-trnodensis c.remnobare.s) plasma. Statistical and physiological validation of assay accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and specificity demonstrated the RIA to be reliable. Coefficients for intra-and inter-assay variation were 1.20 and 2.35% for cortisol and 3.50 and 3.97% for corticosterone, respectively. Sensitivity was 3.3 and 4.9 pg for cortisol and corticosterone, respectively. A distinct diurnal rhythm in plasma cortisol and corticosterone synchronous with photoperiod was found in free-ranging and captive bighorn sheep. A significant difference ( P < 0.01) existed between the mean 24-h plasma cortisol concentration for captive (33.04 + 5.97 ng/mL) and free-ranging (49.20 + 8.17 ng/mL) bighorn. Corticosterone levels were not significantly distinct between captive and free-ranging bighorn. The mean scotophase cortisol concentration in free-ranging class 111 rams (60.97 + 3.21 ng/mL) was significantly greater ( P < 0.05) than the mean scotophase cortisol concentration (54.03 t 5.97 ng/mL) of the free. ranging group. Absence of group interactions in solitary rams may be sufficiently stressful so as to entrain increased plasma cortisol concentrations. TURNER, J . C. 1984. Diurnal periodicity of plasma cortisol and corticosterone in desert bighorn sheep demonstrated by radioimmunoassay . Can. J . Zool . 62: 2659 -2665. Des techniques radioimmunologiques sensibles et specifiques qui servent 2 I'analyse du cortisol et de la corticosterone plasmatiques ont i t @ essayees chez le mouflon bighorn (Ovis c-trntrdensis c-rrm~~ohtrrrs). L'exactitude, la precision, la sensibilite et la spkcificite de ces techniques ont ete approuvees statistiquement et physiologiquement. Les coefficients de variation intraet inter-analyses ont et@ ivalu@s a 1.20 et 2,35% dans le cas du cortisol et h 3.50 et 3.97% dans le cas de la corticostirone. La sensibilite est de 3.3 pg dans le cas du cortisol et de 4,9 pg dans le cas de la corticostirone. Le cortisol et la corticosterone plasmatiques suivent un rhythme diurne particulier associe h la photoperiode chez les mouflons libres et les moutlons gardes en captiviti. II existe une difference significative ( P < 0.01) entre les concentrations plasmatiques moyennes (evaluees sur 24 h) du cortisol des mouflons en captivite (33.04 t 5,97 ng/mL) et des moutlons libres (49.20 t 8.17 ng/mL). Les concentrations de corticosterone ne different pas significativement chez les deux groupes de moutlons. La concentration moyenne de cortisol de scotophase est significativement plus ilevie ( P < 0,051 chez les brebis libres de classe 111 (69,97 f 3.21 ng/mL) que chez les autres animaux libres. L'absence des interactions de groupe entraine suffisamment de stress chez les brebis solitaires pour...