“…This technique has been widely applied in the past during induction of photosynthesis (Bro et al, 1996;Oxborough & Baker, 1997), with changes in carbohydrate translocation (Meng et al, 2001), in response to drought (Meyer & Genty, 1999;West et al, 2005), chilling (Hogewoning & Harbinson, 2007), ozone pollution (Guidi et al, 2007;Guidi & Degl'Innocenti, 2008;Leipner et al, 2001), wounding (Quilliam et al, 2006), high light (Zuluaga et al, 2008) and infection with fungi (Guidi et al, 2007;Meyer et al, 2001;Scharte et al, 2005;Scholes & Rolfe, 1996;Schwarbrick et al, 2006) or virus (Perez-Bueno et al, 2006). With Chl fluorescence imaging is possible to detect an analysis of stress-induced changes in fluorescence emission at very early stage of stress.…”