“…Other diverse variables are related to happiness in the existing research, such as living in a rural area (Mair and Thivierge-Rikard, 2010), a coping and positive mind (Kim et al, 2012) and personality (Moltafet et al, 2010), religiosity and attending religious activities (Cooper et al, 2011b;Lewis et al, 2005;Stavrova et al, 2013), the environment and politics (Boehnke and Wong, 2011;Summers et al, 2012), life events (Ballas and Dorling, 2007), daily activities (Oerlemans et al, 2011), physical health (Bishop et al, 2006(Bishop et al, , 2010, and leading a healthy lifestyle, such as not smoking, drinking alcohol, and exercising (Nyqvist et al, 2008;Peiró, 2006;Shahab and West, 2009;Zander et al, 2013). In addition, internet use has been the main pathway of social interaction recently, particularly for the younger generations.…”