PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 3 JUNE 1974the modulation voltage V m . In summary, preliminary observations have demonstrated a nonlinear interaction of an ionbeam-mode, plasma system. The measured amplitude oscillations are found to be consistent with the ion-beam trapping model. The physical implications of the results are as follows: (1) A modulated ion beam can excite large-amplitude coherent oscillations and subsequent trapping of the beam occurs. (2) The beam ions become bunched in space analogous to the nonlinear interactions of an electron beam and plasma. 7 (3) This spatial bunching provides an effective mechanism for the generation of higher harmonics and could be of interest in spreading the wave spectrum and providing effective coupling of energy into plasmas by means of ion beams.We thank Dr. N. L. Oleson for helpful and rewarding discussions.
*Work supported in part by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission and Tampa Electric Company. *J. H. Malmberg and C. B. Wharton, Phys. Rev. Lett.Most parametric instabilities studied up to date in a plasma have involved the excitation of resonant electron and ion modes by a "pump" rf field. 1 That is, each of the excited modes satisfies a linear dispersion relationship in the absence of the external rf field. In this Letter we report experimental observations of a new type of parametric instability which involves the excitation of lower-hybrid waves and nonresonant low-frequency modes (ion quasimodes) when the "pump" rf field is near the lower hybrid frequency. 19, 755 (1967). """ 5 T. M. O'Neil, Phys. Fluids 8, 225 (1965). 3 L. M. Al'tshul and V. I. Karpman, Zh. Eksp. Teor. . ^n such multipole devices, the plasma is supported at the edge by strong short-range magnetic fields which are produced by permanent magnets spaced completely around the plasma. This arrangement leads to higher plasma densities at lower neutral pressures and lower discharge currents, and to plasmas which are highly uniform in density. See, for example, R. Limpaecher and K. R. MacKenzie, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. Ij5, 1222 (1971); R. J. Taylor, D. R. Baker, and H. Ikezi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 24, 206 (1970). 10 For example, B. D. Fried and A. Y. Wong, Phys. Fluids 9, 1084 (1966). n R. A. Stern, J. F. Decker, and P. M. Platzman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 32, 359 (1974).Physically, the mechanism for instability is quite similar to that which drives the nonlinear Landau growth. 2 We can view the interaction as a scattering of a particle with a photon and a plasmon, in which a photon is absorbed followed by the emission of a plasmon; the particle carries off the difference of the wave energy and momentrum. The growth rate of the instability is maximum when the parallel phase velocity (along the confining magnetic field) of the ion quasimode is of the order of the electron thermal velocity.Experimental and theoretical studies of a new type of parametric instability involving the excitation of ion quasimodes (due to nonlinear wave-particle scattering) have been carried out when the "pump" frequency is near the lower hybrid...