“…For solitary bees, responses to climate change will likely be driven in part by the influence of temperature on biological processes occurring prior to emergence. For example, warmer temperatures can accelerate development (Radmacher and Strohm, 2010;O'Neill et al, 2014), reduce stored-energy reserves Kemp, 2003, 2004;O'Neill et al, 2011O'Neill et al, , 2014Sgolastra et al, 2011;Schenk et al, 2018a), increase mortality prior to emergence (Bosch and Kemp, 2003;O'Neill et al, 2011), advance emergence (Forrest and Thomson, 2011), and reduce postemergence lifespan Kemp, 2003, 2004;Bosch et al, 2010). In addition, elevated seasonal temperatures and shorter winters associated with climate change (Sparks and Menzel, 2002;Menzel et al, 2006) may shorten periods of cold exposure, which can disrupt diapause development (Hodek and Hodkova, 1988;Sgolastra et al, 2010) and cause increased pre-emergence energy consumption, increased winter mortality, and delayed emergence Kemp, 2003, 2004;Sgolastra et al, 2010).…”