“…For instance, the psychiatric literature documents the phenomenon of musical hallucinations (American Psychiatric Association, 2013 ; Berrios, 1990 ; Evers & Ellger, 2004 ; Hermesh et al, 2004 ), which can be distinguished from musical obsessions (Taylor et al, 2014 ). Beyond these well-established disorders, there are phenomena such pseudohallucinations (van der Zwaard & Polak, 2001 ), musical hallucinosis (Griffiths, Jackson, Spillane, Friston, & Frackowiak, 1997 ), musical palinacousis (Di Dio, Fields, & Rowan, 2007 ), and auditory Charles Bonnet syndrome (Hori, Terao, & Nakamura, 2001 ), which all share some features with INMI (for a review, see Hemming & Merrill, 2015 ; Williams, 2015 ).…”