“…Powerlessness is shown to be linked to bullying (Hurley et al, 2016), alienation (Özer et al, 2019), patients that self-harm (Rayner et al, 2019), older patients (Chen et al, 2019) and stroke victims (Lin & Li, 2019). Increased competitiveness driven by domestic competitors and globalization, workloads that are more demanding, poor management, dysfunctional conflict, job insecurity, mergers and acquisitions, low pay growth and decreased employee benefits, and many other factors will likely exacerbate job stress (APA, 2011;Kinchen & Victoria, 2019;Knežević and Krstić, 2019;Vander, et al, 2012). Feelings and implications of powerlessness and stress are present in higher education (Walkington, 2017), and they may have been exacerbated since the COVID-19 pandemic.…”