We suggest and demonstrate a protocol which suppresses the low-frequency dephasing by qubit motion, i.e., transfer of the logical qubit of information in a system of n ≥ 2 physical qubits. The protocol requires only the nearest-neighbor coupling and is applicable to different qubit structures. Our analysis of its effectiveness against noises with arbitrary correlations, together with experiments using up to three superconducting qubits, shows that for the realistic uncorrelated noises, qubit motion increases the dephasing time of the logical qubit as ffiffiffi n p . In general, the protocol provides a diagnostic tool for measurements of the noise correlations. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.010501 Development of superconducting qubits [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] has reached the stage where it is interesting to discuss possible architectures of the quantum information processing circuits. The common feature of any quantum computation process of even moderate complexity is the requirement of information transfer between different elements of the qubit circuit. The most straightforward way of achieving this transfer is to physically move the quantum states representing the qubits of information along the circuit. In the case of superconducting qubits, potential for such a direct motion of logical qubits is offered by so-called negative-inductance SQUIDs [8,9], but operation of these circuits in the quantum regime [10] still needs to be demonstrated experimentally. Another method of transferring logical qubits between different physical qubits, already developed in experiments and adopted in this work, is based on creating controlled qubit-qubit interaction through coupling to a common resonator bus [5,[11][12][13]] (see Fig. 1). The goal of this Letter is to demonstrate that, in addition to its main function, the transfer of information between different circuit elements designed to perform different functions has an additional notable benefit: suppression of the low-frequency dephasing. We also show that it can be used to measure the noise correlations and, in this way, diagnose the primary sources of the noises.The basic mechanism of the noise suppression by qubit motion relies on the fact that the low-frequency noise is typically produced by fluctuators-see, e.g., Refs. [14,15] -in the form of impurity charges or magnetic moments, localized in each individual physical qubit, and, therefore, is not correlated among them. Motion of a logical qubit between different physical qubits limits the correlation time of the effective noise seen by this qubit and, therefore, suppresses its decoherence rate. This effect is qualitatively similar to the motional narrowing of the NMR lines [16], with the main difference that it is based on the controlled transfer of the qubit state, not random thermal motion as in NMR. Our protocol also has some similarities to the dynamic decoupling schemes-see, e.g., Refs. [17,18]where the qubit-noise interaction is suppressed by changing the qubit state in the effectively constant noise, while th...