gy reducing nitrate when NO 3 -N is the source of available N. Thus, for legumes able to form symbiotic associations with Rh izobium, the pattern of dry matter distribution (DMD) within the plant will differ depending upon its mode of N nutrition.The partitioning of dry matter between root and shoot is a heritable characteristic determined by the genotype of the plant (Andrews, 1939;Shank, 1943). Root morphology likewise is considered to be genetically determined (Smith, 1934; Zobel, 1975;Street, 1969). The expression of these characteristics can be altered by environmental conditions. Deficiencies of essential mineral nutrients have been shown to affect both the DMD within the plant and lateral root development. Plants deficient in N or P tend to accumulate relatively more dry matter in their roots than do plants which are adequately supplied (Turner, 1922;Brouwer, 1962). Weisum (1958) demonstrated that root branching in pea (Ptsum sattvum L.) was stimulated by nutrients as follows: NO 3 -N>P>K> Mg>Ca. Nitrate applied to a discrete root segment increased both the rate of lateral root extension and number of lateral roots per unit length of root (Hackett, 1972; Mdntyre and Raju, 1967;Drew, 1975).The establishment of an active N-fixing nodule system on the roots of a legume complicates these relationships. During the vegetative stage of growth, active root nodules utilize significant quantities of photosynthate for nodule growth and for N fixation (Minchin and Pate, 1972;Herridge and Pate, 1977). Summerfield et al. (1977) found that the root:shoot dry weight ratio in cowpea (Yigna unguiculata L. Walp.) was larger in nonnodulated plants than in nodulated plants grown at equivalent levels of applied N. Experiments with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and barrel medic (Medicago tribuloides Desr.) indicate that there is an inverse relationship between nodule number and lateral root formation (Nutman, 1948;Dart and Pate, 1959). Also, there are qualitative observations concerning differences between the root morphology of grain legumes provided combined N and those which are effectively nodulated (Weber, 1966;Wych and Rains, 1978).The purpose of this study was to define the changes in DMD and root development in the soybean plant as influenced by the mode of N nutrition, the magnitude of root nodulation, and P deficiency.
ABSTRACTIn the field, plant root development is of primary importance under P deficient conditions. Two sand culture experiments were conducted to examine the effects of P stress, nodulation, and N source on the growth, dry matter distribution, and root development of "Clark 63" soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.). In both experiments two levels of N (0 and 5.0 mM N) were employed: plants were either solely dependent upon symbiotic N fixation (N-fixing), or primarily dependent upon uptake of combined N from the nutrient solution (N supplied). Nodule dry weight of N-fixing plants grown at the highest P level (2.0 µ/ml) comprised 9%, of total plant dry weight and 61% of root dry weight of 35-dayold soyb...