DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/14.5.634
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Multiarterial coronary artery bypass grafting with special reference to small vessel disease and results in women

Abstract: From 1985 to 1991 a total of 220 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with at least two native pedicled artery grafts. Bilateral internal mammary artery (IMA) grafting was performed in 201 patients, IMA combined with gastro-epiploic artery (GEA) grafting in five, and double IMA plus GEA grafting in 14; in addition 156 patients received 1-3 vein grafts. The primary indication for elective multi-arterial CABG was coronary arteries of small calibre (small vessel disease) in 77 patients, repea… Show more

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Cited by 38 publications
(12 citation statements)
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“…More recent studies have suggested that on average, women have a disadvantageous preoperative clinical profile that may account for much of this perceived difference. This includes the fact that women present for treatment at an older age, with poorer LV function, more frequently with unstable angina pectoris, NYHA Class IV heart failure, 3-vessel and left main disease, and more comorbid conditions including hypothyroidism, renal disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and PVD (25,(480)(481)(482)(483)(484)(485)(486)(487)(488)(489). Based on these differences, it has been inferred that women may be under-referred or referred late for treatment and/or coronary angiography.…”
Section: Cabg In Womenmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…More recent studies have suggested that on average, women have a disadvantageous preoperative clinical profile that may account for much of this perceived difference. This includes the fact that women present for treatment at an older age, with poorer LV function, more frequently with unstable angina pectoris, NYHA Class IV heart failure, 3-vessel and left main disease, and more comorbid conditions including hypothyroidism, renal disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and PVD (25,(480)(481)(482)(483)(484)(485)(486)(487)(488)(489). Based on these differences, it has been inferred that women may be under-referred or referred late for treatment and/or coronary angiography.…”
Section: Cabg In Womenmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In part, this less aggressive treatment of women's disease can be explained by the early results [5] from bypass operations, where a five-fold increased risk of death was found among women. In a number of studies it has been possible to credit the reason for this to the higher age of the women [6,[63][64][65][66][67] , less body surface and thus smaller coronary arteries [64,65] , more diabetes [63][64][65][66][67] , high blood pressure [65][66][67] , cardiac failure [6,66] , more widespread changes in the coronary arteries [63] , and acute operations owing to unstable angina [6,63,64,66] . Rahimtoola, et al however, point out in a report from 1993 [68] that a bypass operation is an effective form of treatment for angina (at a follow-up of 15-20 years) in both women and men.…”
Section: Gender Differences In the Use Of Diagnostic Tests And Therapmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…J. Ramström и соавт. предлагают следующие интраопераци-онные критерии артерии малого калибра: макси-мальный размер зонда, проводимого через арте-риотомное отверстие в дистальном направлении артерии, составляет 1 мм или, в случае сочетания с тяжелым дистальным атеросклеротическим по-ражением этой коронарной ветви -1,5 мм [4]. Все исследователи сходятся во мнении, что диаметр артерии надо определять посредством интраопе-рационного зондирования после артериотомии.…”
“…По данным литературы, об-щее количество неполной реваскуляризации со-ставляет от 9 до 40% [24]. Столь большой разброс данных, вероятно, связан с тем, что одни хирурги шунтируют коронарные артерии с диаметром не менее 1,5 мм и даже 2 мм и без выраженных вну-трисосудистых изменений [6], тогда как другие реваскуляризуют все гемодинамически значимые пораженные сосуды с диаметром от 1,25 мм неза-висимо от состояния дистального русла [4].…”