Blažek J., Paprštein F., 2014. Development of fruit quality within top apple cultivars based on the consumer preference testing in last 34 years. Hort. Sci. (Prague), 41: 10-18.Results of all public consumer preference testing sessions included in this study were to be divided into 3 time periods. During the oldest period (1979)(1980)(1981)(1982)(1983)(1984)(1985)(1986)(1987)(1988)(1989)(1990), with regard to overall qualities and appearance of fruits, the cv. Rubín was the most preferred. Next, it was followed by the cvs Fantazie, McIntosh, Gloster, and Melrose. In the subsequent period (1991)(1992)(1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001), the cv. Bohemia was in the first position in all respects including taste and fruit appearance. Following it in downward sequence were the cvs Rubín, King Jonagold, Jonagold, McIntosh and Melrose. In the latest period (2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012)(2013), again both in the total scoring and fruit appearance, Bohemia was the most preferred. It was followed in descending order by cvs Orion, Meteor, Jomured, HL 623 and Gold Bohemia. Considering fruit taste alone, however, the most preferred cultivar was Orion. According to the overall results of studies from thirty-three years, in which a total of 198 cultivars or genotypes were included, the most preferred was cv. Bohemia, followed by cvs Meteor, Rubín, HL 623, Andera, Gold Bohemia, King Jonagold and Jomured. Regarding fruit taste itself, the top cv. Bohemia was directly followed by cv. Gold Bohemia and by the selection HL 1834.Keywords: historic development; overall values; total scores; fruit appearance; cultivar assessing Since 1979, consumer preference testing of selected apple cultivars and advanced selections involving both specialists in the area and participants from the wide public are annually organized by the Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd., Holovousy, Czech Republic. The main aims of the study were complex results of these testing and stating of long-time trends in development of fruit quality within new apple cultivars.