“…* These 36 variables included cognitive ability items (see Sher et al, 1991Sher et al, , 1997b and personality measures, including private and public selfconsciousness and social anxiety (Fenigstein et al, ), six factor-analytically derived subscales (Graham and Schwartz, 1981) of the MacAndrew (1965) scale, and subscales of the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ; Cloninger, unpublished data, 1987) and the MMPI-168 (Overall et al, 1973). † Although specificity and sensitivity ideally should approach 1.0 in a diagnostic study, this is not necessarily the case in a high-risk study, because not all family history-positive individuals are expected to possess vulnerability, and not all family history-negative individuals are expected to lack vulnerability (Sher, 1991).…”