“…Therefore, corresponding value of hydrothermally synthesized titanate nanoribbons [2] was assumed, which is similar to Young's modulus of TiO 2 (ETiO2=282.76GPa) [12], [13].c G f2 is unavailable in the literature. Hence, GY2Mo3O12 was used [14], since bulk moduli of both materials are similar (KY2Mo3O12=21 GPa).dThe product between β and Ef is termed as effective Young's modulus of filler (Eeff).eSince the length of TTNT is much smaller than the specimen thickness, it is expected that TTNT are randomly oriented in 3D [9], [10]. Thus, β1 is assumed as 0.2, value used in the literature as a first approximation for 3D randomly oriented carbon nanotubes [9], [10] and particulate fillers, such as TiO 2 [9], [10].fValue computed from linear fitting of Young's moduli of HDPE/Y 2 W 3 O 12 composites as a function of Y 2 W 3 O 12 vol fraction [9], [10]…”