“…On the other hand, the more search for meaning in life increases (Steger, Mann, Michels & Cooper, 2009) the more anxiety, depression level and health risking behaviors increase (Marco et al, 2015), and level of psychological and pysical well being decreases (Steger et al, 2006;Steger et al, 2009). Meaning in life reported by individuals addicted to smoking, substance, alcohol, and drugs is found to be lower compared to those not addicted to such (Nicholson et al, 1994;Thege, Urban & Kopp, 2013;Waisberg & Porter, 1994) and meaning in life plays a facilitating role in psychotherapy (Debats, 1996). Furthermore, positive relationship between the Internet addiction and stressful life events (Whang et al, 2003), family problems (Lam, Peng, Mai & Jing, 2009), psychological traumas (Dalbudak, Evren, Aldemir & Evren, 2014), and academic problems (İskender & Akın, 2010;Odacı, 2011) gives the idea that problematic Internet use can be considered as a problem of meaning in life.…”