DOI: 10.1177/0191453718779498
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Mapping Charles Taylor

Abstract: The extensive, profound and influential oeuvre of Charles Taylor has inspired generations of thinkers. But how can we explore such a body of work? As we try to show in this Special Issue: by understanding him literally and making use of his notion of moral maps – or, differently put, by ‘mapping’ Charles Taylor. As he is far too modest a person to reveal to us his own moral atlas, we have decided to seize the occasion of his 85th birthday to ask several of his renowned colleagues, students and interlocutors to… Show more

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Cited by 6 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 4 publications
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“…Beginning in childhood we learn language through our movement in space, by understanding up and down, near and far, empty and full. By understanding our bodies in the world, we come to understand the concept of movement and direction, the concept of containment as well as interiority, and the concept of balance and standing upright among many others 5 (Bohmann, Keding, & Rosa, 2018) In what ways are selfhood and morality intertwined? Before answering that question, Taylor states that he is reluctant to define a person but poses a tentative definitiona person is an agent, that is, a person is capable, to some degree, of choice.…”
Section: Charles Taylor and The Making Of The Modern Agementioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Beginning in childhood we learn language through our movement in space, by understanding up and down, near and far, empty and full. By understanding our bodies in the world, we come to understand the concept of movement and direction, the concept of containment as well as interiority, and the concept of balance and standing upright among many others 5 (Bohmann, Keding, & Rosa, 2018) In what ways are selfhood and morality intertwined? Before answering that question, Taylor states that he is reluctant to define a person but poses a tentative definitiona person is an agent, that is, a person is capable, to some degree, of choice.…”
Section: Charles Taylor and The Making Of The Modern Agementioning
confidence: 99%
“…The expression of a problematic relationship to the world is historically established existential sensibilities as the cornerstones for a sociology of human relationships to the world. These sensibilities evolve over time as their coloring and refractive light affect persons across class, ethnicity, and cultures (Rosa, 2018). With the increase of recording capacity and new media, "time is beginning to lose its unilinear Orientation-giving character because the connection sequence in chronology appears to become progressively dissolving (2013,102) 8 .…”
Section: Hartmut Rosa -A Sociology Of Our Relationship To the Worldmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Samtidigt riktar Rosa stark kritik och säger att det mesta av kritisk teori idag har blivit cynisk utan att ge motalternativ på det sätt som de tidiga klassiska teorierna med Theodore Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin eller Erich Fromm erbjöd. Resonansteorin bygger, vid sidan av den klassiska kritiska teorin, också i hög grad på den kanadensiska filosofen Charles Taylors arbeten (Bohmann, Keding & Rosa 2018) om vilken Rosa skrev sin avhandling. Även Axel Honneths teori om erkännande spelar en avgörande roll för att formulera ett positivt alternativ.…”
Section: Förnyelse Av Den Kritiska Teorinunclassified
“…Поєднання філософії прагматизму з аналітичною філософією демонструє творчий шлях американського філософа Ричарда Рорті [16]. Певною версією аналітичної філософії постає теологічна версія прагматизму, до якої близький канадський філософ Чарльз Тейлор, за свідченням його критиків [17]. Обох філософів єднає не лише прагматичне бачення завдань філософії, але й увага до соціальної проблематики, переосмислення класичних філософських проблем блага, справедливості під кутом зору потреб особистості, а саме завдяки зверненню до теми цінностей.…”