DOI: 10.1159/000080327
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<i>Bufo marinus</i> Oocytes as a Model for Ion Channel Protein Expression and Functional Characterization for Electrophysiological Studies

Abstract: Oocytes from Xenopus laevis are commonly used as an expression system for ion channel proteins. The aim of this study was to determine whether oocytes from the Colombian native toad, Bufo marinus, could be used as an alternative expression system for ion channel protein expression and functional characterization using the two-microelectrode voltage clamp method. B. marinus oocytes and X. laevis were isolated and cultured in similar conditions. The mean resting membrane potential of B. marinusoocytes was simila… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 17 publications
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“…Despite the larger size (1.6–1.9 mm in diameter) and apparently more robust nature of Cynops oocytes as compared to X. laevis oocytes 26 , this system does not appear to have been widely adopted for ion channel studies, likely due to limited availability. The cane toad, Bufo marinus , has also been assessed as a possible substitute source of oocytes, and was shown to satisfactorily express K V 1.1 channels 27 . However, the levels of endogenous background current were slightly higher in B. marinus oocytes than those from X. laevis .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Despite the larger size (1.6–1.9 mm in diameter) and apparently more robust nature of Cynops oocytes as compared to X. laevis oocytes 26 , this system does not appear to have been widely adopted for ion channel studies, likely due to limited availability. The cane toad, Bufo marinus , has also been assessed as a possible substitute source of oocytes, and was shown to satisfactorily express K V 1.1 channels 27 . However, the levels of endogenous background current were slightly higher in B. marinus oocytes than those from X. laevis .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Estudios electrofisiológicos en bicapas lipídicas han mostrado corrientes de Clen membranas de Leishmania mexicana (DiFranco et al, 1995). Así mismo, luego de inyección en ovocitos de Xenopus laevis (Chaves et al, 2003) y en ovocitos de la especie nativa Bufo marinus (Vargas et al, 2004), de mRNA de L. amazonensis (Arroyo, 2005;Lagos et al, 2007) y L. braziliensis (Garzón et al, 2009) respectivamente, nuestro grupo registró corrientes en el 40-50 % de ovocitos inyectados, que se activaban a potenciales cercanos a -40 mV, disminuían significativamente en ausencia de Clpero no de Ca 2+ y eran sensibles a la inhibición por DIDS y ácido niflúmico, dos inhibidores reconocidos de transportadores de Cl - (Lagos et al, 2007;Garzón et al, 2009). Basados en estos hallazgos postulamos que estas corrientes podrían ser el resultado de la función de proteínas CLC y por tanto se hizo una búsqueda en el genoma de L. braziliensis que reportó la presencia de cuatro canales de cloruro putativos: V2.1260 (LbCLC-C).…”
Section: Transportadores De Cloruro En Leishmaniaunclassified
“…We attribute these to reduced partial oxygen pressure due to the altitude of Bogotá (2600 m above sea level) where the laboratory is located, because control of temperature and hormone replacement did not improve production or oocyte viability (Arroyo & Camacho, 2006). Despite these difficulties it is possible to record the expected potassium currents after injection of cRNA of the ion channel Kv1.1 (Vargas et al, 2004). B. marinus can be kept in captivity at intermediate altitudes (e.g.…”
Section: Leishmania Plasma Membranementioning
confidence: 99%