DOI: 10.1080/16258312.2003.11517119
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Logistics Service Providers in France - 2002 Survey: Actors’ Perceptions and Changes in Practices

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Cited by 20 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 8 publications
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“…Within about 15 years, LSPs moved from “improved carriers” to “contributors of turnkey logistical solutions”; however, this revolution has not been fully acknowledged. There are many authors who have attempted to better understand this situation by analyzing the activity scope taken over by LSPs; they have often done so by looking at the outsourcing contracts signed by LSPs with their customers (Roques and Michrafy, 2003; Fulconis et al , 2011; Cabigiosu et al , 2012; Folinas, 2013). Figure 3 illustrates the evolution of the logistics industry, initially focused on its core competencies, trucking and warehousing (Circles 1 and 2), but then expanding to offer additional services (Circle 3) and, subsequently, new global packages (Circle 4).…”
Section: How Can a Logistical Service Provider Move Toward A Better Position?mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Within about 15 years, LSPs moved from “improved carriers” to “contributors of turnkey logistical solutions”; however, this revolution has not been fully acknowledged. There are many authors who have attempted to better understand this situation by analyzing the activity scope taken over by LSPs; they have often done so by looking at the outsourcing contracts signed by LSPs with their customers (Roques and Michrafy, 2003; Fulconis et al , 2011; Cabigiosu et al , 2012; Folinas, 2013). Figure 3 illustrates the evolution of the logistics industry, initially focused on its core competencies, trucking and warehousing (Circles 1 and 2), but then expanding to offer additional services (Circle 3) and, subsequently, new global packages (Circle 4).…”
Section: How Can a Logistical Service Provider Move Toward A Better Position?mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Les PSL se sont pro gres si vement dotés de com pé ten ces nou vel les, dont cer tai nes n'ont qu'une loin taine rela tion avec le métier d'o ri gine. Les obser va teurs dis tinguent désor mais trois com po san tes prin ci pales du métier de PSL (Roques et Mic hrafy, 2003), que le Tableau 1 syn thé tise : une première com po sante dite « Coeur du métier » (entre po sage, trans port), une deuxième compo sante dite « Ser vi ces addi tion nels au client » (ges tion des pro mo tions, des fac tu res, des SAV) et une troi sième com po sante dite « Nou veaux métiers », comme la ges tion de cen tres d'ap pel ou le co-manu fac tu ring, qui témoi gnent de la volonté continue de cer tains PSL de mettre à dis po si tion d'en tre pri ses concur ren tes des res sour ces com mu nes en matière de back office. La part des acti vi tés « Nou veaux métiers » à forte valeur ajoutée ne doit tou te fois pas être sures timée, même si, en bonne logique mar ke ting, elle est sys té ma tique ment mise en avant par les PSL les plus moder nis tes.…”
Section: Développement Des Psl : Quelques Fondamentauxunclassified
“…In the last fifteen years, a significant academic literature on marketing, supply chain management and strategy has been trying to define the profile of the logistics industry in reference to operations carried out by 3PL, with various degrees of complexity depending on the outsourcing agreements signed with manufacturers and/or large retailers (Andersson & Norrman, 2002;Roques & Michrafy, 2003;Marasco, 2008;Fabbe-Costes et al, 2009;Fulconis et al, 2011;Large, 2011). Although the 3PL trade is generally defined as exercising logistical activities on behalf of manufacturers or large retailers, it varies greatly both in terms of size and the services provided.…”
Section: An Enlarged Services Approachmentioning
confidence: 99%