“…Examples of these issues include regulatory changes (Schwert 1981;Binder 1985;Chen and D'Arcy 1986;Moore and Schmit 1989;Horton and Macve 1998;Marlett and Pacini 1999), changes in business strategies (VanDerhei 1987;Impson and Karafiath 1992;Akhigbe, Borde, and Madura 1993;McNamara et al 1997;Akhigbe and Madura 2001), as well as the reporting of increases in liabilities or large losses (Sprecher and Pertl 1983;Davidson, Chandy, and Cross 1987;Baginski, Corbett, and Ortega 1991;Shelor, Anderson, and Cross 1992;Lamb 1995;Cagle 1996). In the banking area, studies such as McNichols and Wilson (1988), Beaver et al (1989), Elliot, Hanna, and Shaw (1991), Griffin and Wallach (1991), and Wahlen (1994) have analyzed the information content related to the announcements of increased reserves for loan loss reserve changes.…”