DOI: 10.3828/rs.2006.4
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Kinship, social organisation and genealogical manipulations in Gypsy osadas in eastern Slovakia

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Cited by 10 publications
(4 citation statements)
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“…1. Endogenous-structural factors (that originate in the specific forms of social organization of the Roma population and their functional/class articulation with the more encompassing social system/political economy) A kinship organization in highly ethnically endogamic extended families which function as a selfsegregating mechanism in all social dimensions, including that of education (Vallés 2017; Leeson 2013; Olivera 2012; Hasnia-Sonia 2011; García 2006;Jakoubek and Budilová 2006;Arias 2002;Weyrauch 2001;Anta 1997;San Román 1984); the persistence of patrilocality and a patriarchal role/status system (which would explain the education gender imbalance) in which women's life goals are placed in early marriage, early maternity, and their role as homemakers, and high school is negatively perceived by parents as a dangerous environment that can damage their daughters' social capital (which is built around virginity and the acceptance of a dependent, domestic social role) (Álvarez-Roldán et al 2018; Colectivo Ioé 2015; Asensio 2011; Levinson and Sparkes 2006;Ayuste and Paya 2004;FSG 2013;Aubert and Valls 2003;Vogel & Elsasser 1981); the marginal mode of articulation with the labor market, with a significant predominance of very low-skilled and/or informal jobs which involve the collective/cooperative work of the whole family (including older children, adolescents and younger adults) based on reciprocity mechanisms (FSG 2006(FSG , 2019Álvarez-Roldán et al 2018;Gamella 2011;Garreta and Llevot 2007); the nomadic or highly mobile way of life of part of the Roma population (that of Eastern European origin, in the Spanish case) which seriously hinders their schooling or the implementation of assistencial programmes (Gamella 2007;Piemontese 2017). All this factors point out at presenting the Roma as a group that constitutes a society within the society, one with clear-cut boundaries but, more importantly, characterized by the survival of pre-modern structural traits (kinship-basedvs.…”
Section: A Review Of Quantitative Studies On Roma Education In Spainmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…1. Endogenous-structural factors (that originate in the specific forms of social organization of the Roma population and their functional/class articulation with the more encompassing social system/political economy) A kinship organization in highly ethnically endogamic extended families which function as a selfsegregating mechanism in all social dimensions, including that of education (Vallés 2017; Leeson 2013; Olivera 2012; Hasnia-Sonia 2011; García 2006;Jakoubek and Budilová 2006;Arias 2002;Weyrauch 2001;Anta 1997;San Román 1984); the persistence of patrilocality and a patriarchal role/status system (which would explain the education gender imbalance) in which women's life goals are placed in early marriage, early maternity, and their role as homemakers, and high school is negatively perceived by parents as a dangerous environment that can damage their daughters' social capital (which is built around virginity and the acceptance of a dependent, domestic social role) (Álvarez-Roldán et al 2018; Colectivo Ioé 2015; Asensio 2011; Levinson and Sparkes 2006;Ayuste and Paya 2004;FSG 2013;Aubert and Valls 2003;Vogel & Elsasser 1981); the marginal mode of articulation with the labor market, with a significant predominance of very low-skilled and/or informal jobs which involve the collective/cooperative work of the whole family (including older children, adolescents and younger adults) based on reciprocity mechanisms (FSG 2006(FSG , 2019Álvarez-Roldán et al 2018;Gamella 2011;Garreta and Llevot 2007); the nomadic or highly mobile way of life of part of the Roma population (that of Eastern European origin, in the Spanish case) which seriously hinders their schooling or the implementation of assistencial programmes (Gamella 2007;Piemontese 2017). All this factors point out at presenting the Roma as a group that constitutes a society within the society, one with clear-cut boundaries but, more importantly, characterized by the survival of pre-modern structural traits (kinship-basedvs.…”
Section: A Review Of Quantitative Studies On Roma Education In Spainmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…These may follow family networks (see Chapter 4), which may or may not overlap with physical boundaries within segregated settlements (cf. Jakoubek & Budilová 2006); patterns of intermarriage and shared institutional practices such as conflict resolution, which are in principle permeable and subject to re-negotiation especially following relocation (a process referred to as 'segmentation vs. consolidation' by Marushiakova & Popov 2004); shared faith and religious practices and alignment with contiguous non-Romani populations; shared place of settlement in migration and the development of networks of mutual dependency (see Chapter 6, cf. Solimene 2011); the punctual coming together within shared households and support networks of family groups that speak Romani and others who do not speak the language but descend from Romani speakers; as well as, albeit marginally in our discussion, shared ideological affiliation and activism that bring together Romani individuals.…”
Section: Defining Roma Communitiesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Výrazným faktorem limitace fajty je patrilokální postmari- 7 Podobnou kritiku popisu příbuzenského principu z perspektivy patrilineality rozvíjí Anne Sutherland v případě kategorie vitsa [Sutherland 1986: 182], kterou lze významově ztotožnit s termínem fajta. 8 Budilová s Jakoubkem tento problematický výklad v následujících letech opravili ve prospěch kognatických skupin [Jakoubek, Budilová 2006;Budilová, Jakoubek 2007a]. Učinili to však problematickým způsobem.…”
Section: Limitace Fajty Patrilokální Postmaritální Rezidencíunclassified