Previously, we showed that inhibition of the activity of fatty acid desaturases (Desat) perturbs signalling of the developmental timing hormone ecdysone in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. To understand the impact of this effect on cuticle differentiation, a process regulated by ecdysone, we analysed the cuticle of D. melanogaster larvae fed with the Desat inhibitor CA10556. In these larvae, the expression of most of the key cuticle genes is normal or slightly elevated at day one of CA10556 feeding. As an exception, expression of twdlM coding for a yet uncharacterised cuticle protein is completely suppressed. The cuticle of these larvae appears to be normal at the morphological level. However, these animals are sensitive to desiccation, a trait that according to our data, among others, may be associated with reduced TwdlM amounts. At day two of CA10556 feeding, expression of most of the cuticle genes tested including twdlM is suppressed. Expression of cpr47Eb coding for a chitinbinding protein is, by contrast, highly elevated suggesting that Cpr47Eb participates at a specific compensation program. Overall, the cuticle of these larvae is thinner than the cuticle of control larvae. Taken together, lipid desaturation is necessary for a coordinated deployment of a normal cuticle differentiation program. K E Y W O R D S barrier, cuticle, differentiation, epidermis, lipids Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 2019;