“…Surely, if only MHC restriction were involved in determining the fate of third party grafts on tolerant animals, one would not have expected two of eight Lewis rats rendered tolerant at birth with (Lewis X DA)F, hybrid BMC (and bearing [Lewis X DA]F, hybrid skin grafts), to have accepted (BN .B4 X Lewis)F, hybrid skin grafts for >50 d. Accordingly, we believe that the heterozygous nature of these third party grafts, along with the amount of tissue transplanted (each recipient received two grafts), somehow induced unresponsiveness to their foreign antigens . This presumption is not without precedence, as it is in complete accord with a previous observation that, despite the fact that on the basis of MHC restriction Lewis rats rendered tolerant with (Lewis X BN)F, hybrid BMC should accept Skn-incompatible BN skin grafts more readily than (Lewis X BN)F, hybrid skin grafts, the opposite is the case, especially if the grafts are large (7) .…”