“…A 700-mL sample of the chloroform phase was evaporated under nitrogen, dissolved in 20 pL of ch1oroform:methanol (21, v/ v), and spotted on a 250-pm silica gel G plate (Analtech, Newark, DE). Authentic standards (PC, PA, FFA, DG), and ether-extracted FFA peroxides obtained from peroxidation of linoleic acid by soybean lipoxygenase (Brown et al, 1990) were run on parallel lanes. The plates were developed halfway in ch1oroform:acetic acid:methanol:water (70:25:5:2, v/ v; Todd et al, 1990), dried under nitrogen, and fully developed in hexane:diethyl ether:acetic acid (70:30:1, v/v).…”