School inclusion is a movement that seeks to reach people who are outside the school context due to their different condition. The term “special needs” is broad and involves many factors. According to the legislation, it is applicable to any human being who has a physical, mental, intellectual and/or sensory impairment, preventing his/her participation in daily and school life. The concept of “High Abilities / Giftedness” is still debatable. The most current, adopted by our legislation, refers to the individual’s performance in his/her area of interest, demonstrating above-average capacity. The objective of this work was to review the literature on high Abilities in EPT and regular teaching present in publications in the last five years. A bibliographic review on high Abilities /giftedness was carried out, in Portuguese, in research databases such as Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO and Google Scholar, between 2017 and 2021. Inclusion is a process that requires a change of attitude towards to people who are considered different. In education, this movement begins to gain ground in schools, and inclusive education slowly becomes a reality. In this context, people with AH/SD[6] indicators suffer from the same problems, with the aggravating factor of being considered students without learning difficulties (and with ease). The teaching process needs to adapt processes, materials and adequate training for all teachers. In Vocational Education, the problems regarding the identification and attendance of this public seem to be similar to the regular school and other teaching modalities.