modeling of a loss-of-coolant-accident scenario involving nuclear
fuels with FeCrAl cladding materials in consideration to replace a
Zircaloy requires knowledge of the thermodynamics of oxidized structures.
At temperatures higher than 1500 °C, oxidation of FeCrAl alloys
forms (Fe,Cr,Al)3O4 spinels. In situ high-energy
X-ray diffraction in a conical nozzle levitator installed at beamline
6-ID-D of the APS was used to study the structural evolution of the
oxides as a function of the temperature. Single-phase… Show more
“…At those temperatures, there is a mixture of H- and X-type phases, and the H-type phase is richer in smaller REs than the X-type phase. Such deviation from linearity for lattice parameter values at phase-transition temperatures is a common phenomenon.