“…Species is a biological term used in many areas of the business literature, including: platforms (Kang & Downing, 2014), keystones species (Iansiti & Levien, 2004a, 2004b, organizational species (Gundlach, 2006;Lemos, 2009;Pagano, 2013), non-profit organizational species (Potter & Crawford, 2008), organizational species barrier (Gaba & Meyer, 2008), flagship species (Kim et al, 2010), leading species (Knight & Cavugil, 2004), ecosys- (Bruhn, 2013), business species diversity (Wright et al, 2009), and endangered (business) species (Cooke, 2000). Although the word is used in the business literature with similar connotation to the biological term (Prendergast & Berthon, 2000) -that of a distinct population of organisms -business species and biological species are very different.…”