“…On the basis of the general concept of surface/interface stress in solids by Gibbs [54] and developed for solving the elastic problems by Gurtin and Murdoch [55,56] and Gurtin et al [57], this approach has widely been used to study the elastic fields of nanosized inclusions and inhomogeneities [58][59][60], the elastic behavior of dislocations inside [61,62] and near [63][64][65][66] embedded circular [61][62][63][64] and elliptical [65,66] nanoinhomogeneities, inside [67][68][69] and near [70,71] embedded core-shell nanowires, at the nanotube/matrix interface [72], and in free-standing nanotubes [73,74] and core-shell nanowires [75,76], and the elastic behavior of wedge disclination dipoles near an embedded circular nanoinhomogeneity [77] and in the shell of a core-shell nanowire [78].…”