“…Refsum's syndrome (Refsum, 1946;Refsum, Solomonsen & Skatvedt, 1949), Sj6gren-Larsson syndrome (Sjogren & Larsscn, 1957), Sonneck syndrome (Sonneck, 1952), and Rud syndrome (Rud, 1927). Ichthyosis is also reported to be associated with mental deficiency (Laubenthal, 1939), acrofacial dysostosis (Korting & Ruther, 1954), ectropion (Forsius, 1949), cataract (Pinkerton, 1958) and other eye defects (Taussig, 1939) and alopecia (Marzollo, 1936). We here present a case of ichthyosis vulgaris associated with leprosy.…”