“…Selected bond distances include those of the imidazole ring, N1-C3 1.346(10) and N2-C3 1.331(9) Å, with an N2-C3-N1 angle of 107.8(7)°; the former N-C distance would correspond to the formally single bond, and thus N2 would have to be considered as cationic. The metric parameters of the thiocarbamate moieties are similar to those reported for related compounds, 26,27 including S1-C20 and S2-C39 of the thiocarbamate groups at 1.820(9) and 1.814(8) Å, respectively; the corresponding carbonyl O1-C20 and O2-C39 distances of 1.113(18) and 1.221(9) Å are also similar to those observed for related systems. Complete metric parameters are presented in Table S4 (SI section).…”