“…For instance, Huizinga (1938Huizinga ( /1980 and Caillois (1958Caillois ( /2001 state that the study of play (or "games" depending on the translation) should include music, theater (role-playing), lottery, philosophy, religion, roller-coaster riding, alcohol drinking, among others. Caillois' French jeu and Huizinga's Dutch spel are neither equivalent to English play nor game-neither to the Portuguese brincar nor jogar, respectively (Lebed, 2021). Some languages have only words for a general concept applicable to anything pleasurable, entertaining and autotelic (e.g., Czech, French, German), what we will call "playfulness" henceforward, while other languages make distinctions about different kinds of "play" (e.g., English, Japanese, Portuguese) (Lebed, 2021).…”