In tetrapods, the medial amygdala is a forebrain center that integrates olfactory and/or vomeronasal signals with the endocrine and autonomic systems, playing a key role in different social behaviors. The vomeronasal system has undergone important changes during evolution, which may be behind some interspecies differences in chemosensorymediated social behavior. These evolutionary changes are associated with variations in vomeronasal-recipient brain structures, including the medial amygdala. Herein, we employed an evolutionary developmental biology approach for trying to understand the function and evolution of the medial amygdala. For that purpose, we reviewed published data on fate mapping in mouse, and the expression of orthologous developmental regulatory genes (Nkx2.1, Lhx6, Shh, Tbr1, Lhx9, Lhx5, Otp, and Pax6) in embryos of mouse, chicken, emydid turtles, and a pipid frog. We also analyzed novel data on Lhx9 and Otp in a lacertid lizard. Based on distinct Abbreviations used: AAv 5 anterior amygdala, ventral part; ACo 5 anterior cortical amygdalar area; AHN 5 anterior hypothalamic nucleus; AOB 5 accessory olfactory bulb; AON 5 anterior olfactory nucleus; APH 5 parahippocampal area (chicken); Arc 5 arcopallium (part of the pallial amygdala in chicken); AStr 5 amygdalo-striatal transition area; BAOT 5 bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory bulb; Bas 5 basal nucleus (Meynert); BC 5 basal amygdalar complex; BL 5 basolateral amygdalar nucleus; BLA 5 basolateral amygdalar nucleus, anterior part; BLV 5 basolateral amygdalar nucleus, ventral part; BM 5 basomedial amygdalar nucleus; BMA 5 basomedial amygdalar nucleus, anterior part; BSTia 5 bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, intraamygdaloid part; BSTM 5 bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial part; BSTM1 5 dorsolateral subnucleus of BSTM (chicken); BSTM2 5 ventromedial subnucleus of BSTM (chicken); CDL 5 dorsolateral corticoid area (chicken); Ce 5 central amygdala (central amygdalar nucleus); Co 5 cortical amygdalar area (chicken, comparable to ACo of mammals); CPu 5 caudate-putamen; CxA 5 cortico-amygdalar transition area; DC 5 dorsal cortex (reptile); DEn 5 dorsal endopiriform nucleus; EMT 5 prethalamic (or thalamic) eminence; Ent 5 entorhinal cortex; Gaba1 5 g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic cells; Glu1 5 glutamatergic cells; GP 5 globus pallidus; GPL 5 globus pallidus, lateral part; GPM 5 globus pallidus, medial part; Hb 5 basal hypothalamus; Hip 5 hippocampal formation, rostral olfacto-recipient part; I 5 intercalated cell groups of the amygdale; ic 5 internal capsule; IM 5 intercalated cell groups of the amygdala, main division; L 5 lateral amygdalar nucleus; LC 5 lateral cortex (reptile); LGE 5 lateral ganglionic eminence; LOT 5 nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract; LOT1 5 nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, layer 1; MC 5 medial cortex (reptile); Me 5 medial amygdala in nonmammals; MeA 5 medial amygdala, anterior part; MeAV 5 medial amygdala, anteroventral part; MePD 5 medial amygdala, posterodorsal part; MePV 5 medial amygdala, posteroven...