This work deals with the problem of the optimum design of a sandwich panel. The design process is based on a general two-level optimisation strategy involving di erent scales: the meso-scale for both the unit cell of the core and the constitutive layer of the laminated skins and the macro scale for the whole panel. Concerning the meso-scale of the honeycomb core, an appropriate model of the unit cell able to properly provide its e ective elastic properties (to be used at the macro-scale) must be conceived. To this purpose, in this rst paper, we present the numerical homogenisation technique as well as the related nite element model of the unit cell which makes use of solid elements instead of the usual shell ones. A numerical study to determine the e ective properties of the honeycomb along with a comparison with existing models and a sensitive analysis in terms of the geometric parameters of the unit cell have been conducted. Numerical results show that shell-based models are no longer adapted to evaluate the core properties, mostly in the context of an optimisation procedure where the parameters of the unit cell can get values that go beyond the limits imposed by a 2D model.