“…Several classes of stress response genes have been identified as consistently involved in the response to spaceflight across ecotypes of Arabidopsis via analyses of gene expression. Heat shock genes are often induced by spaceflight (Paul et al, 2005(Paul et al, , 2012bSalmi and Roux, 2008;Shagimardanova et al, 2010;Zupanska et al, 2013Zupanska et al, , 2017Zupanska et al, , 2019Johnson et al, 2017;Choi et al, 2019). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling and scavenging processes are also common in the spaceflight response, though ROS-associated genes have been observed as both up-and downregulated in spaceflight Abbreviations: d, day; DEG, differentially expressed gene; FLT, spaceflight; GC, ground control; GO, gene ontology; GPI-AP, glycosylphosphatidylinositolanchored protein.…”