“…Evidence of human occupation on Willaumez Peninsula extends back 35,000-45,000 years, to when human colonisation is thought to have rst taken place, but the best exposed sequences are from the mid-to late Holocene, a time when the area was subject to the known impact of nine explosive eruptions and four minor episodes of more limited extent. 16 Four of ve especially large eruptions of VEI 5-6 scale took place from nearby Witori volcano to the 13 Blake & Bleeker (1970), Blake & McDougall (1973), Blake (1976), Machida et al (1996) and McKee & Kuduon (2005). 14 See, for example, Torrence et al (2000, 2004), Boyd et al (2005, Torrence & Doleman (2007) and Neall et al (2008).…”