“…Using intravenous PGE2 (2-5 ug/min) Embrey (1970b) induced abortion in 90°o" of cases. However, using a high-dose regimen (PGE2 2-5-20 scg/min; PGF2, 25-200 tg/min) we induced abortion in only 5000 of patients (Hillier, 1971;Hillier and Embrey, 1972). Filshie (1970a, 1970b) obtained a high success rate with low-dose administration (5 ,ug/min PGE,; 50 tg/min PGF, e), whereas Wiqvist et al (1971a) found a mean dose of 108 ,tg/min PGF2 ce was required to achieve comparable success.…”