“…We compared ChExMix performance in predicting human CTCF (Rhee and Pugh, 2011) and mouse FoxA2 (Iwafuchi-Doi et al, 2016) binding event locations to that of nine ChIP-exo analysis methods, including MultiGPS (Mahony et al, 2014), GEM (Guo et al, 2012), MACS2 (Zhang et al, 2008), MACE (Wang et al, 2014), PeakXus (Hartonen et al, 2016), Peakzilla (Bardet et al, 2013), Q-nexus (Hansen et al, 2016), DFilter (Kumar et al, 2013), and CexoR (Madrigal, 2015). We excluded ChIP-ePENS (Ye et al, 2016) from our evaluation because it requires paired-end ChIP-exo data. Both CTCF and FoxA2 ChIPexo datasets consist of single-end sequencing data.…”