“…WGD/segmental duplication is very common in plant genomes, as most plants have undergone polyploidy events during evolution, and thus retain many duplicated chromosome segments in their genomes [50,51]. Compared with other plant species such as Arabidopsis, O. sativa, Z. mays, G. max, and Populus, which contain 43,35,44,80, and 57 LBD genes [1,6,12,13], respectively, we found B. napus with the largest number of LBD genes, indicating the genome duplication during evolution of B. napus greatly contributed to the diversification of BnLBDs. Further, all 126 BnLBD genes were identified as the result of gene duplication, 93 of them were identified with WGD or segmental duplications history, and the rest resulted from dispersed duplications.…”