An intrabody nanonetwork (IBNN) is composed of nanoscale (NS) devices, implanted inside the human body for collecting diverse physiological information for diagnostic and treatment purposes. The unique constraints of these NS devices in terms of energy, storage and computational resources are the primary challenges in the effective designing of routing protocols in IBNNs. Our proposed work explicitly considers these limitations and introduces a novel energy-efficient routing scheme based on a fuzzy logic and bio-inspired firefly algorithm. Our proposed fuzzy logic-based correlation region selection and bio-inspired firefly algorithm based nano biosensors (NBSs) nomination jointly contribute to energy conservation by minimizing transmission of correlated spatial data. Our proposed fuzzy logic-based correlation region selection mechanism aims at selecting those correlated regions for data aggregation that are enriched in terms of energy and detected information. While, for the selection of NBSs, we proposed a new bio-inspired firefly algorithm fitness function. The fitness function considers the transmission history and residual energy of NBSs to avoid exhaustion of NBSs in transmitting invaluable information. We conduct extensive simulations using the Nano-SIM tool to validate the in-depth impact of our proposed scheme in saving energy resources, reducing end-to-end delay and improving packet delivery ratio. The detailed comparison of our proposed scheme with different scenarios and flooding scheme confirms the significance of the optimized selection of correlated regions and NBSs in improving network lifetime and packet delivery ratio while reducing the average end-to-end delay.Sensors 2020, 19, 5526 2 of 26 diagnosis purposes. Due to their small size and better electronic properties, these NBSs have the potential to operate inside the human body without interrupting cellular biological function. One of the types of these NBSs is surface plasmon resonance sensors, which have already been deployed for effectively diagnosing various types of cancers and cardiovascular diseases [9,10].The tremendous potential of IBNNs in revolutionizing healthcare structure is confined by several fundamental limitations including, Nanoscale (NS) communication challenges and inadequate resources of NBSs in terms of energy, storage and computation [9,11]. In the last few years, research communities focused their attention on addressing these primary challenges for realizing the broader scope of IBNNs. In the context of enabling NS communication, electromagnetic communication in the Terahertz Band (THz) has received significant consideration [10,12]. The immense opportunities brought by electromagnetic communication in THz band such as extremely high data communication speed are leading to the development of new electromagnetic-based communication schemes [13,14]. The development of novel schemes for IBNNs also requires an in-depth comprehension of the intense energy constraint of these NBSs for effective outcomes. The extreme energy c...