Negative affect appears frequently in rheumatic diseases, but studies about their importance and prevalence in systemic sclerosis patients are scarce, and the results are inconclusive separately. We conducted a comprehensive search on April 2013 of PubMed, Medline, and PsycINFO databases to identify original research studies published. A total of 48 studies were included in this systematic review. We found negative emotions have very high levels in these patients, compared to both healthy population other chronic rheumatic patients assessed with the same instruments and cutoffs. Depression has been, of the three negative emotions that we approach to in this review, the most widely studied in systemic sclerosis, followed by anxiety. Despite the fact that anger is a common emotion in these diseases is poorly studied. Methodologic issues limited the ability to draw strong conclusions from studies of predictors. Disease-specific symptoms (swollen joints, gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms and digital ulcers) and factors related to physical appearance were associated with negative emotions. Interdisciplinary care and biopsychosocial approach would have a great benefit in the clinical management of these patients.