“…Within popular geopolitics, concerns with media portrayals of militaristic activities have tended to focus on analyses of geopolitical texts, be those comics and cartoons (Dittmer, 2005(Dittmer, , 2013, films (Carter, 2007;Crampton & Power, 2005;Dodds, 2005;O'Tuathail, 2005) or video games (Huntemann & Payne, 2010;Power, 2007). In their paper on the future of popular geopolitics, Dittmer and Gray (2010) suggest that the field has become too heavily dependent on these often elite level, and predominantly representational, analyses, and instead argue that there is a need for a "new popular geopolitics centred on everyday practice and performance" (Dittmer & Gray, 2010, 1665.…”