We propose a novel strategy to reconstruct the quantum state of dark systems, i.e., degrees of freedom that are not directly accessible for measurement or control. Our scheme relies on the quantum control of a two-level probe that exerts a state-dependent potential on the dark system. Using a sequence of control pulses applied to the probe makes it possible to tailor the information one can obtain and, for example, allows us to reconstruct the density operator of a dark spin as well as the Wigner characteristic function of a harmonic oscillator. Because of the symmetry of the applied pulse sequence, this scheme is robust against slow noise on the probe. The proof-of-principle experiments are readily feasible in solid-state spins and trapped ions.Introduction.-The measurement of the quantum state of a system is a prerequisite ingredient in most modern quantum experiments, ranging from fundamental tests of quantum mechanics [1, 2] to various quantuminformation-processing tasks [3][4][5]. However, even with the rapid progress in the coherent manipulation and quantum-state tomography of several quantum systems, such as photons [6,7], electron spins [8-10], atomic qubits [11], superconducting circuits [12,13], and mechanical resonators [14,15], many quantum systems still remain difficult to access for a direct observation of their state, systems we will refer to as dark. In order to circumvent the requirement of such a direct access, a promising technique is to employ an auxiliary quantum system as a measurement probe, on which measurements as well as coherent manipulations can be performed [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. Interferometry [24] based on such a measurement probe allows us to extract information on a target system [25][26][27][28][29][30]. Nevertheless, it still remains a key challenge to achieve a full quantum-state tomography of dark systems without requiring any direct control.