The concept of power is discussed in the broader health literature and the occupational therapy literature from three perspectives. These are the trait approaches to professionalization, the medical dominance perspective and the view of health care work places as organizations. The results of the review suggest that the power of the profession of occupational therapy is linked to a number of factors. These include its status as an occupation, the fact that the majority of its members are women and the extent to which therapists have knowledge and skills related to working with other disciplines in a changing political climate. While the review enables the type of knowledge and skills which would assist therapists to develop and exercise their power within the health sector to be suggested, the extent to which therapists actually possess the knowledge and skills is unknown due to a lack of research in the area. , occupational therapy, power, professions. 98) were searched by hand for both discussion and research articles which considered aspects of practice that may relate to the power dynamics in the health care arena. In addition, reference lists of key articles were reviewed, and key articles and authors were searched for in Citation Abstracts.
K E Y W O R D S health care teams