“…Furthermore, it should be noted that different mentors may judge observed teaching in different and sometimes conflicting ways (Hudson, 2014(Hudson, , 2016. In addition, critical feedback may engender negative emotional reactions (Kopec, Wimsatt, de la Cruz, Kopec, & Wimsatt, 2015;Otienoh, 2010), threaten the student teachers' self-image (Johnston, 2010;Vasquez, 2004;Wajnryb, 1998) and contribute to tensions or conflicts in the teacher student-mentor relationship (Brandt, 2008;Copland, 2010). Studies have also discovered that a significant number of student teachers may experience callous feedback delivery and even feel bullied by their mentor (Maguire, 2001;Sewell, Cain, Woodgate-Jones, & Srokosz, 2009).…”