Background: Waste is a byproduct of human life. Nowadays, municipal solid waste is being produced in excessive amounts and in this way, both developing and developed countries are facing challenges regarding generation of waste. Economic development, urbanization and improved living standards in cities have contributed to increase in the amount and complexity of solid waste produced. Methods: this study aims to Analysis of households' willingness to pay for improved solid waste management Services in Gondar city, Ethiopia: evidence from a double-bounded dichotomous contingent Valuation Method.Result: A total of 222 randomly selected households were interviewed to address the objective of this study. Finally, the survey result indicated that 192(87.3%) of sample households were willing to pay for improved solid waste management services. Following this, the one and double-bounded dichotomous contingent valuation result revealed that the mean willingness to pay estimated from the Double Bounded dichotomous CVM and open ended formats were 34.48 and 17.0756 ETB[1] per month per households respectively. The total WTP was obtained by adding the WTP of the total households in each stratum, and is equal to 941361ETB and 1900848 ETB for open ended and double bounded format, respectively. Additionally, the bivariate probit model result demonstrated that income and education have positive and significant effects on willingness to pay bid amounts. The results, age, marital status, Bid1 and Bid2 have a negative and significant effect on households’ amount of willingness to pay for better solid waste management services. Conclusion: When allocating service charges the city municipality considers amount of solid waste generation and income level of the households. The study results show that when educational status of the households increases and increase their willing to participate in planned improved solid waste management service. Thus, awareness creation is importance for better solid waste management. Additionally the city municipality facilitates a learning media for uneducated households to come up with at least secondary education level.