“…While studies from the 1970's reported high divorce rates among parents of chronically ill children (Finley et al, 1979;Gath, 1977;Lansky et al, 1978;Martin, 1978;Tew et al, 1974), most of the recent research found no significant difference in the divorce rate of couples with seriously ill children compared to couples in the general population (Hauenstein, 1990;Longo and Bond, 1984;McCubbin, 1989;Sabbeth and Leventhal, 1984;Yura, 1987). Much of this past work, however, does not control for potential confounders such as the presence and number of other children, or the timing of a child's birth within the life course of the marriage (Finley et al, 1979;Gath, 1977;Hauenstein, 1990;Lansky et al, 1978;Longo and Bond, 1984;Martin, 1978;McCubbin, 1989;Palfrey et al, 1989;Sabbeth and Leventhal, 1984;Silben et al, 1982;Tew et al, 1974;Yura, 1987). Past work has also generally relied on small, cross-sectional, convenience samples.…”