“…Seventy‐six publications were found in this section, from Iran, Japan, China, Korea, and India, performed between 2013 and 2022. [ 127,174–248 ] Of these ncRNAs, 3 circRNAs, 14 lncRNAs, and 45 microRNAs were differentially expressed between healthy individuals and various cancers. Concerning circRNAs (namely, circHIPK3, circFNDC3B, and circCMTM3 derived from EVs) are upregulated and shown to regulate metatherian, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3, SOX9 through miR‐124‐3p, miR‐937‐5p, miR‐3619‐5p in breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively, which enhance EC viability, migration and tube formation except in colorectal cancer to drive the process of carcinogenesis.…”